We provide stock broking services to a wide array of clientele. Our services are available to government parastatals, multinational and indigenous companies and high net worth individuals.
We have in our arsenal, seasoned professional researchers who’s analytical skills helps to determine particular stocks that are suitable for purchase at the lowest price and for sales at the highest price.
Retainer-ship for listed Companies
Here we handle issues pertaining to the maintenance of accounts for listed companies.
Certificate Verification
With the invention of the automated system now with the CSCS, this package is on the verge of phasing out. It involves the collation of Share certificates on stocks purchased from our reputable clients, onward forwarding to the Central Securities Clearing Systems where they are confirmed and lodged.
Receiving Agency
Skyview Capital acts as an intermediary between Issuing houses and Intending investors who may wish to buy from Initial public offering (IPO) or Public Offerings (PO).