

The Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX) as a component of its Minimum Operating Standard “MOS” requires Trading License Holders to send information on their execution policy (“best execution”) for their clients.

This document sets out information on the execution policy of Skyview Capital Limited and all its representative offices covering all services rendered to our esteemed clients. Such services which include but not limited to, buying & selling shares/bonds, lien placement, certification verification, transfers.

The facilities available in today’s market place allows Skyview Capital to use variety of methods to execute client transactions, including the engagement of latest technology – Order management system “OMS” that enables clients determine the full cycle of a trade from anywhere in the world and the inclusion of more professionals to give quality service to teaming customers.

In essence, the following terms and conditions apply to facilitate effective and efficient delivery of our professional service to customer.



Skyview Capital will consider a number of factors in seeking to obtain best execution.  These may include speed, costs, price, size of the business and likelihood of execution and settlement.

Our dealing/Business venues are the platform and methods of doing business on a day-to-day basis;

a) The trading floor of the Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX).

b) The NASD OTC trading platform

c) Our business offices in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt.

d) Through our Order Management System “OMS”

Also clearly stated above are the criteria’s for choosing counterparty.  They are those that partner with us in trade execution, clients both individual, institutional and corporate and the instruments are equity, bonds, fund raising – private placement, public offerings, bonds, advisory services etc.



Best execution applies to all types of financial instruments and each client order or request is perfected using different approach and instrument depending on the request.

i) Equities

We buy and sell shares for customers with specific instructions via their mandates.  We manage portfolios for clients and engage in Propriety Trading through our platform at NGX.

ii) Bonds

This is another veritable financial instrument which is also traded alongside equities on the platform of NGX. We trade government bonds & corporate bonds.


This is a new platform for trading quoted stocks.  An active place for medium and small-scale enterprises to engage in equities trading which Skyview Capital is a major player.

iv) ETF’s

The Exchange Traded Fund is a fund that trades on Index but can be traded like stock.  We offer balances in alternative to our diverse clientele in the classification of financial instruments e.g. Gold, Silver, Commodities.

Furthermore, the acceptable legal tender for all transaction in Nigeria is the Naira(N) except for the ETF’s that cut across the globe at the same time.






a. Skyview Capital Limited shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of orders entered into the Trading system while acting on a client’s instruction.

b. Skyview Capital Limited shall not access a client’s account without a confirmed mandate.

c. All orders entered for clients must contain the following: Date and time of entry, the security name and quantity to be traded and the terms and validity period of such order.

d. Client enquiries, stock purchase and sale mandates and payment advice can be handled via: electronic means (e-mail or our dedicated email address – info@skyviewcapitalng.com)

e. Mandate forms are available for walk in clients at our Customer Service unit.

f. The daily transaction deadline for the receipt of stock exchange purchase mandate, stock sale mandate and payment advice is 4pm of the business day preceding the date such instructions are to be executed

g. All mandates received on weekends or public holidays will be treated as received on the business day immediately following the date of actual receipt.


Execution Parameters

 In the absence of a specific instruction or instructions from a client, Skyview will take into account the following parameters when executing an order on behalf of a client:

  • Price;
  • Speed of execution;
  • Size of order;
  • Likelihood of execution and settlement;
  • Nature of your order;
  • Any other relevant factor (including market liquidity, availability of market information and market volatility).


Execution Criteria: Areas of consideration here includes:

  • Your characteristics (e.g. a  retail or  an institutional investor/professional counterparty);
  • The nature of the order which you have given us;
  • The characteristics of the relevant financial instrument; and
  • The characteristics of the execution venues to which your order can be directed (including the ability of the venue to manage complex orders, the creditworthiness of the venue and the quality of any related clearing and settlement facilities).

The above Execution parameters are listed in the order of importance that will normally be applied to an order that Skyview executes on your behalf. However, it may change the order of importance assigned to the Execution parameter if, in its opinion, you will receive a better outcome.


Specific Client Instructions

Where you give us a specific instruction as to the execution of an order, Skyview will execute the order in accordance with those specific instructions. Where your instructions relate to only part of the order, we will continue to apply our order execution policy to those aspects of the order not covered by your specific instructions.

You should be aware that providing specific mandates to Skyview in relation to the execution of a particular order may prevent her from taking the steps set out in our order execution policy to obtain the best possible result in respect of the elements covered by those mandates.


Order Execution Process

Below are the basic processes that will be followed towards the execution of an order:

a. Individual and Institutional Client Trade Orders

  • For a purchase mandate, operations team confirms authenticity of client’s mandate, availability of funds in customer’s stockbroking account, prepares the jobbing sheet and passes it across to our brokers for onward execution in line with client’s
  • For a sales mandate, the operations team will confirm client’s instruction against the already existing details in the database by confirming email, signature and availability of stock(s) in clients account before presenting to the brokers through a summarized jobbing sheet.
  • Upon completion of sale or purchase mandate, the client is advised within 24hours via a contract note which usually contains, the breakdown of charges on his/her transaction.

SKYVIEW will monitor the effectiveness of its order execution arrangements on an ongoing basis to identify and implement any appropriate improvements and will undertake a review of the Best Execution Policy on at least an annual basis. SKYVIEW will notify you of any material changes to the above description of its order execution arrangements and the Policy.

B.   Consent

 SKYVIEW is required to obtain your consent to the Best Execution Policy. By giving an order to SKYVIEW, you confirm your acceptance of this Policy.



a. In mandates consisting of purchase instruction, the execution of such mandate will be dependent on sufficient cleared funds.

b. Where a stock purchase mandate is dependent on the sale proceed of stock, the stock purchase mandate will not be executed until the sales transaction has been fully executed, the stock purchase mandate will be executed for five business days subsequent to the actual date.

c. Where the stock for purchase is still not available after these five working days, the stock sale mandate will be set aside and the customer will be advised accordingly.



a. In the execution of clients’ mandate, Skyview Capital acts as stockbroker in an execution capacity and not as a financial advisor. We will therefore discharge our responsibility to BUY or SELL stock on your behalf on the floor of The Nigerian Stock Exchange

b. Skyview Capital will execute transactions based on the current market price of the stock exchange on the date of execution

c. Skyview Capital will apply its professional expertise and best efforts in executing mandates. We however cannot guarantee that a mandate will be executed at the market price indicated on such mandates, as market prices are subject to marginal daily changes.

d. Mandates will only be attended to when presented in the standard format acceptable to Skyview Capital which can be downloaded from our website or may be forwarded to our email.

e. Skyview capital does not accept a range of price for the purchase/sale of stocks. Only one price may be indicated

f. On execution of your mandate, a notification e-mail will be sent to update you of your transaction.



Where stock was purchased through another stock broking firm before the client transferred his account to skyview capital, the clients should ensure that the resident stock broking firm has sent his/her specimen signature (on transfer forms) to the respective registrars


a. To facilitate prompt verification of certificates, clients should endeavor to attach copies of application form, dividend warrants and banker’s confirmation of the client’s signature as the case demands.

b. Skyview capital will not be responsible for verification delay due to incomplete documentation, irregular signature issue or any other reasons outside its sphere of control



a. Transaction settlement on the Nigerian Stock exchange is done on a trading day plus three days (i.e., T+3). In compliance with this regulation, payment for sales transaction is on a trading day plus four working days consideration

b. Skyview capital pays in crossed cheques written in the name of the beneficiary whose name appears on the share certificate or account holder. The acceptable means of identification here is a current driver’s lice se, national identification card or a current international passport.



a. Traders are not allowed to trade on their own account or those of their immediate family or relations except with the approval of Management.

b. Separation of jobbing from trade execution: clients’ mandates for sales and purchases are processed for jobbing only by the back-end office operations staff; brokers are not permitted to have prior knowledge of such orders until only the hours of trading for execution on the trading machine.

c. Large institutional mandates e.g., PFAs are handled by a dedicated or assigned broker who is not a party to the Company’s proprietary trading account or member of the company’s investment committee to prevent taking undue advantage of such orders.

d. Personnel assigned to manage clients’ portfolio with discretionary mandates must not have access to information contained in other clients’ orders with non-discretionary mandates to prevent using such information to the benefit of the portfolio which they manage.

e. Under no circumstances should research analysts seek to directly or indirectly obtain unpublished confidential information which is price sensitive and material to a listed company.

f. The trade/research analysts are prohibited from accepting any gift or inducement from any client, capable of calling into questioning their integrity and independence

This Privacy policy between Skyview Capital Limited and you, constitutes our commitment to your privacy on our applications, administrative records, websites, social media platforms and premises.

1.0 Your Privacy Rights

This Privacy Policy describes your privacy rights regarding our collection, use, storage, sharing and protection of your personal information. It applies to the Skyview Capital Limited website and all database applications, services, tools and physical contact with us regardless of how you access or use them.

If you have created a username, identification code, password or any other piece of information as part of our access security measures, you must treat such information as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any third party. We reserve the right to disable any user identification code or password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these Conditions. If you know or suspect that anyone other than you know your security details, you must promptly notify us at Company email address.


2.0 Consent

You accept this Privacy Policy when you give consent upon access to our platforms, or use our services, content, features, technologies or functions offered on our website, digital platforms or visit any of our offices for official or non-official purposes. This Policy governs the use of Skyview Capital Limited services and intervention projects by our users and stakeholders unless otherwise agreed through written contract. We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by posting a revised version on our website, or placing such notice at conspicuous points at our office facilities.


3.0 Your Personal Information

When you use Skyview Capital Limited Services, we collect information sent to us by your computer, mobile phone or other electronic access device. The automatically collected information includes but not limited to- data about the pages you access, computer IP address, device ID or unique identifier, device type, geo-location information, computer and connection information, mobile network information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URL, ad data, standard web log data, still and moving images.

We may also collect information you provide us including but not limited to- Full Name (First Name, Last Name, and Other Names), Phone Number, Email Address, State & Local Government, Gender, Date of Birth, Location (Longitude & Latitude), Bank Verification Number (BVN), Transaction pin, correspondence with Skyview Capital Limited support services and telecommunication with Skyview Capital Limited. We may also collect information about your transactions, enquiries and your activities on our platform or premises.

We may also use information provided by third parties like social media sites. Information about you provided by other sites are not controlled by Skyview Capital Limited and we are therefore not liable for how they use it.


4.0 What we do with your personal information

The purpose of our collecting your personal information is to give you efficient, enjoyable and secure service. We may use your information to:

  • Provide Skyview Capital Limited services and support;
  • Process applications and send notices about your transactions to requisite parties;
  • Verify your identity;
  • Resolve disputes, collect fees, and troubleshoot problems;
  • Manage risk, or to detect, prevent, and/or remediate fraud or other potentially prohibited or illegal activities;
  • Detect, prevent or remediate violation of Laws, Regulations, Standards, Guidelines and Frameworks;
  • Improve Skyview Capital Limited Services by implementing aggregate customer or user preferences;
  • Measure the performance of the Skyview Capital Limited Services and improve content, technology and layout;
  • Track information breach and remediate such identified breaches;
  • Manage and protect our information technology and physical infrastructure;
  • Contact you at any time through your provided telephone number, email address or other contact details;


5.0 Cookies

Cookies are small files placed on your computer’s hard drive that enables the website to identify your computer as you view different pages. Cookies allow websites and applications to store your preferences in order to present contents, options or functions that are specific to you. Like most interactive websites, our website uses cookies to enable the tracking of your activity for the duration of a session. Our website uses only encrypted session cookies which are erased either after a predefined timeout period or once the user logs out of the platform and closes the browser. Session cookies do not collect information from the user’s computer. They will typically store information in the form of a session identification that does not personally identify the user.


6.0 How we protect your personal information

We store and process your personal information on our computers in Nigeria. Where we need to transfer your data to another country, such country must have an adequate data protection law. We will seek your consent where we need to send your data to a country without an adequate data protection law. We protect your information using physical, technical, and administrative security measures to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration. Some of the safeguards we use are firewalls and data encryption, physical access controls to our data centers, and information access authorization controls.


7.0 How We Share your information within Skyview Capital Limited and other users

During your interaction with our website or premises, we may provide other organisations, with information such as your name, contact details, or other details you provide us for the purpose of performing our statutory mandate to you or third parties.

We work with third parties to perform Skyview Capital Limited services and implement its mandate. In doing so, a third party may share information about you with us, such as your email address or mobile phone number.

You accept that your pictures and testimonials on all social media platforms about Skyview Capital Limited can be used for limited promotional purposes by us. This does not include your trademark or copyrighted materials.

From time to time we may send you relevant information such as news items, enforcement notice, statutorily mandated notices and essential information to aid the implementation of our mandate. We may also share your personal information in compliance with National or international laws; crime prevention and risk management agencies and service providers.


8.0 Security

We will always hold your information securely. To prevent unauthorized access to your information, we have implemented strong controls and security safeguards at the technical and operational levels. This site uses Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) to ensure secure transmission of your personal data. You should see the padlock symbol in your URL address bar once you are successfully logged into the platform. The URL address will also start with https:// depicting a secure webpage. SSL applies encryption between two points such as your PC and the connecting server. Any data transmitted during the session will be encrypted before transmission and decrypted at the receiving end. This is to ensure that data cannot be read during transmission.

Skyview Capital Limited has also taken measures to comply with global Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) standard and we therefore have put in place digital and physical security measures to limit or eliminate possibilities of data privacy breach incidents.


9.0 Data Confidentiality Rights

Your information is regarded as confidential and will not be divulged to any third party except under legal and/or regulatory conditions. You have the right to request sight of, and copies of any and all information we keep on you, if such requests are made in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and other relevant enactments. While Skyview Capital Limited is responsible for safeguarding the information entrusted to us, your role in fulfilling confidentiality duties includes, but is not limited to, adopting and enforcing appropriate security measures such as non-sharing of passwords and other platform login details, adherence with physical security protocols on our premises, dealing with only authorized officers of the Agency.


10.0 Links to Other Websites and Premises

Certain transaction processing channels may require links to other websites or Organisations other than ours. Please note that Skyview Capital Limited is not responsible and has no control over websites outside its domain. We do not monitor or review the content of other party’s websites which are linked from our website or media platforms. Opinions expressed or materials appearing on such websites are not necessarily shared or endorsed by us, and Skyview Capital Limited should not be regarded as the publisher of such opinions or materials. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices, or content of these sites. We encourage our users to be aware of when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of these sites. You should evaluate the security and trustworthiness of any other site connected to this site or accessed through this site yourself, before disclosing any personal information to them. Skyview Capital Limited will not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage in whatever manner, howsoever caused, resulting from your disclosure to third parties of personal information.


11.0 Governing Law

This Privacy Policy is made pursuant to the Nigeria Data Protection Agency (2023) and other relevant Nigerian laws, regulations or international conventions applicable to Nigeria. Where any provision of this Policy is deemed inconsistent with a law, regulation or convention, such provision shall be subject to the overriding law, regulation or convention.


12.0 Contact for Data Protection and Support

If you have concerns regarding data protection or need our support kindly send an email to dpo@skyviewcapitalng.com